Rebuilding Hope Inc. Process for Site Selection
Rebuilding Hope Inc. works closely with St. Sebastian Parish in West Virginia. St. Sebastian Parish accepts applications from families in need from Preston County. These applicants must provide income statements as well as other required information along with a list of what they would like help with to the Parish. Once St. Sebastian’s has the applications, they weed out the applicants based on required criteria. Then in April, representatives from Rebuilding Hope Inc. travel down to St. Sebastian Parish to meet with them and get a list of possible sites that have already been approved by St. Sebastians. The Rebuilding Hope Inc. representative will then take the day to drive around with St. Sebastians rep and look at each potential site. They will potentially meet and speak with the homeowners, assess the site for safety, and our ability to complete the project. Rebuilding Hope Inc. will then let the St. Sebastian rep know which sites we will take on in June.
Upon return home, Rebuilding Hope Inc. will begin the process of purchasing materials, explaining the site needs to the entire group, and then breaking the group into their potential site assignments.
There are only a few requirements in order to be eligible to attend.
1. Once you have finished your 8th grade year, you are welcome to join us as long as a parent or guardian is also able to attend the week with you.
2. Once you have finished your 9th grade year, you are welcome to join us for the week without a parent or guardian if you wish.
3. Anyone over the age of 18 must have proof of these clearances completed in order to attend the week.
Clearances are as follows:
If the individual has been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, the following items are needed:
- Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
- Apply online* OR
- Download the form for printing and mailing
- *If completing online, the Record Check Status Detail is NOT the actual clearance. Applicants must click on the words “Certification Form” in the middle of the screen in order to view and print the actual clearance certificate. The actual Criminal Record Check clearance should have the seal as a watermark on this form.
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
If the individual has NOT been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, the following items are needed:
- Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
- Apply online* OR
- Download the form for printing and mailing
- *If completing online, the Record Check Status Detail is NOT the actual clearance. Applicants must click on the words “Certification Form” in the middle of the screen in order to view and print the actual clearance certificate. The actual Criminal Record Check clearance should have the seal as a watermark on this form.
- Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report-PDE
- If a volunteer has not been a resident of Pennsylvania for the previous 10 years, but obtained their FBI certification at any time since establishing residency, they may provide a copy of the certification and are not required to obtain any additional FBI certification. If they have not already obtained a FBI clearance then they should follow the information below:
- The Pennsylvania Department of Education has partnered with IDEMIA to provide a secure capture and transmission of applicants’ fingerprints at IdentoGO Centers. IdentoGO Centers are located throughout Pennsylvania.
- Visit the IdentoGO website to register online.
- After online registration, proceed to a IdentoGO fingerprint facility. IdentoGO facilities and hours of operation can be found at
- For FAQs or additional information on fingerprinting services, locations, or scheduling an appointment, visit the Idemia supplier website.
- Instructions for when you receive the email to get a copy of your FBI Clearance: You should only access the link from a device that will allow you to download, print, or save your results at that time. You may access this “unofficial” copy of the results letter securely by clicking on the link in your email and then enter the requested identifiers. Please note this link is available only for ONE-time access only, and once accessed it will no longer be valid.
- If a volunteer has not been a resident of Pennsylvania for the previous 10 years, but obtained their FBI certification at any time since establishing residency, they may provide a copy of the certification and are not required to obtain any additional FBI certification. If they have not already obtained a FBI clearance then they should follow the information below:
Signed certificates of volunteer hours available to those who attend the week upon request.
Example of Weekly Schedule
9:45 - Arrive at Hampton Community Park
10:00 - Meet and Load Vehicles
10:30 - Leave for W.V.
12:30 - Stop for lunch at W.V. rest stop
1:30 - Leave for camp
2:45 - Arrive at Camp - Unload the trucks, then free time until dinner
5:30 - Dinner
6:15 - Clean up and pack lunches for site tomorrow, then free time
7:00 - Orientation at camp
8:00 - Free time
11:00 - Lights out
7:00 - Breakfast - clean up
8:00 - Leave for sites
12:00 - Work site discussion during lunch
5:30 - Be back at camp
6:00 - Dinner and discuss your day
6:45 - Clean up and pack lunches for site tomorrow, then free time
7:30 - Site leader review
9:00 - Free time
11:00 - Lights out
7:00 - Breakfast - clean up
8:00 - Leave for sites
12:00 - Work site discussion during lunch
5:30 - Be back at camp
6:00 - Dinner and discuss your day
6:45 - Clean up and pack lunches for site tomorrow, then free time
7:30 - Site leader review
8:00 - Game Night
11:00 - Lights out
7:00 - Breakfast - clean up
8:00 - Leave for sites
12:00 - Work site discussion during lunch
4:30 - Be back at camp for Family picnic
5:00 - Introduce Families / Site Families and discuss your day
5:30 - Dinner
8:00 - Clean up and pack lunches for site tomorrow, then free time
9:00 - Site leader review
11:00 - Lights out
7:00 - Breakfast - clean up
8:00 - Leave for sites
12:00 - Work site discussion during lunch
5:00 - Be back at camp
5:30 - Mass in Chapel
6:30 - Dinner and discuss your day
7:15 - Clean up and pack lunches for site tomorrow
8:00 - Variety show in the rec hall
TBD - Site leader review
11:00 - Lights out
7:00 - Breakfast - clean up
8:00 - Leave for sites
12:00 - Work site discussion during lunch
5:30 - Be back at camp
6:00 - Leave for dinner and discuss your day
Site leader review at dinner
9:00 - Sharing service
11:00 - Lights out
8:00 - Breakfast - clean up
9:00 - Clean camp and pack vehicles for return home
10:00 - Group photo on steps and leave for home
12:00 - Stop for lunch
3:30 - Meet at Hampton Community Park
Thanks to all for a great week
God Bless You!!